Friday, September 16, 2011

And please, just add a little salt to the wound...

Yup, there's more. But first, you need to read the previous post Birthday Blues

And in the process of finding all of the Birthday Posts for the HERE links, I realized I didn't post about Sydnie's Birthday Party this year. When it rains it pours, and apparently I have acquired my own personal cloud of guilt. It's a good one too. With thunder and lightening and everything. CRACK! BAM!
May I have another please?

So, here it is!! Sorry Sis.

 The Dora Party!!
 The Birthday Girl! Four years old and beautiful!

 Our first activity was coloring a cupcake coloring page. We told the kids it was a contest, but we really needed them to create "Cupcake Mountain" for the adventure!

 And then we read "If you give a cat a cupcake" and "Dora Makes a Wish" to give my helpers upstairs time to set up.

 Then we headed upstairs and discovered that all of Sydnie's presents were missing! There was a letter from Swiper the Fox saying he swiped all of Sydnie's presents! Oh no! Will you help Sydnie and Dora find Sydnie's presents?

Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go? THE MAP!!

 First we go through the playhouse...

and then we go over cupcake mountain...

 and then we go through Happy Birthday Birthday Gate...

 to find Sydnie's presents!


Let's go open those presents!


 Alli and Madi waiting for some cake!!

 Make a Wish!!

And finally, taking her new bike for a spin!

I can't believe my baby girl is 4 years old! I love you, Sis!

1 comment:

  1. Still can't believe that we missed it too! Such is life! Sigh!
