Monday, February 16, 2009

"Sydnie Sayings"

My daughter, Sydnie, will be 2 next month and like her brother, is a barrel of laughs when it comes to the things they say. They always make me smile and usually laugh out loud, and on occasion embarrass me, and I'd like to share it with you. (Well, not the embarrassment part, but you know, the whole LOL and smiling thing...)

At her 15 month check, the doctor handed her one of those tongue depressor things to hold while he examined her. She wiggled her little body, pushed it away, and with a healthy dose of attitude said "I don't like it!" She had said it a few times previously when mommy attempted to feed her veggies (especially the green ones), but we were kinda like "did she really just say that?!?" But there was no question when she said it to the Doc! He looked at me questioningly and I said "ya, she's pretty good at letting us know exactly what she does and does not like!"

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