Friday, January 6, 2012

Thanksgiving 2011

 4 pictures. I know what you are thinking, right? WTH, McKenzie? And believe me, I am with you on that. Thanksgiving morning is always a crazy... getting kids ready, and myself ready, and food ready to go, ect. There is only so much room in this head of mine! Hell, I cant remember everything and this year, it was the camera that got left behind! Now, Uncle Leonard, sweet man that he is, let me borrow his camera for the day. Problem was that, you know, it was a strange camera and about 2/3's of the pics I took didn't turn out. These are the ones that did turn out.

 This is my sister, Brooke with my Grandma Udene. It was so fabulous Brooke and her kids at Thanksgiving this year! Now, my other sister, Teagan, has a good picture of the three of us. If I ever track it down, I will for sure be posting it!

 Mitch, Emma, and Sydnie

 Cordel and Hannah

My Mama, Kleis, and Dakota. Deb in the background...

That's it folks! Pretty Pathetic, I know. Such is life.

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